AK-Sen: Begich On the Air

Democrat Mark Begich is up with his first pair of ads in the Alaska Senate race this year. Check ’em out:

The ads are airing in the Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau media markets.

50 thoughts on “AK-Sen: Begich On the Air”

  1. The second ad, in his two little bullet points.

    1. Open ANWR

    2. Renewable Energy

    Luckily he says I can go to his website to see his full plan, which I am doing now because if he means, open ANWR for oil, I will be extremely dissapointed.

    And his website says…  

    “Work across party lines to open Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to responsible oil and gas development including the pursuit of directional drilling through the adjacent Sourdough discovery well;”

    No.  Absolutely not.  Anyone know the opinion of Alaskans on this issue?  Maybe us mainlander Democrats are against it but Alaskans are all for it for the profit?  But Flordians are very against off-shore drilling, so I would want to assume Alaskans are the same way, it’s their natural wildlife that is threatened and I would assume they would be pretty against it.

    I loved the firt ad and was really happy to see such a great guy running to take out Steven’s but after that second ad, screw him.

  2. These ads are phenomenal. The first one is the best Congressional piece I’ve seen this entire cycle: it starts off as a bio piece which explains his family history without being opportunistic or schmaltzy then uses the statistics from Mark’s strong mayoral record and resume to great effect. Mark comes off as very solutions-oriented, and even the stilted fellow who “worked under both Democrats and Republican mayors” seems effective. The eye-to-eye segment at the end exudes real genuinity and makes the contrast between Stevens and Begich very explicit. I also like the special effects in the second piece. I find it’s difficult to pull off that kind of thing without seeming cheesy, but the script stays perfectly on message, and the cuts and effects give the feeling of motion, change, and progress. I’d really love to know who made these.

    On the ANWR bit, a very large majority of Alaskans (who receive yearly oil checks to the tune of one grand or so) support greater drilling. It makes sense for their elected officials to represent their overwhelming desires. Floridians, I believe, also support offshore drilling by large numbers. Of course, if the state actually did lease offshore fields, I doubt the profits would go to the citizens in the form of a rebate. More likely, the income from oil leases would be used to patch up the huge budget deficits being run up by the state Republicans’ property tax schemes. It’s a shame. If offshore drilling becomes reality, we need to fight at the state level for the profits going directly to the people.

  3. they get terrible gas mileage and they just go around in circles:)

    seems like a quixotic mission, andrew.

  4. It doesn’t seem like he is putting huge emphasis on it from the evidence of the second ad. He only mentions it almost in passing which might be encouraging.

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